
Alefort will also feature more than 50 wines this year.

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Treefort is back at it again with another year of great artists, engaging performances, and of course, wine! Housed in Alefort, you’ll find not just great beers but a bevy of wonderful wines to experience. Read on to learn the nitty gritty of what wine awaits you at the ‘fort.

Like last year, there will be over 50 wines available to taste and enjoy over the five days of Treefort. But they’ll be presented slightly differently. The “Sparkles & Bubbles” table will be dedicated to sparkling and bubbly wines of six different types ranging from a local Idaho sparkling to classic Champagne. Looking to add a little fun and sparkle? Chambongs will be available. Recovering from a great day and night of rockin’ and rollin’? Enjoy a beloved brunch beverage at Alefort where mimosas will be served on Saturday and Sunday.

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