Minerva's Breakdown

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Dear Minerva:

I have a “friend” on Facebook who recently called in to my work. I recognized her name and I started to ask how to help her. Before I could, she launched into some of the rudest, most disrespectful language and tone I had ever been subjected to. It was clear she didn’t realize who she was talking to. I tried very hard to help her through the barrage of degradation and cursing. It’s been a couple of weeks but every time I see her come up on my feed, I cringe. Because of the nature of my job, I can’t confront her. I am thinking of just deleting her but I don’t want to be unfair. Do you have any advice for how to move forward?

SUBMIT questions to Minerva’s Breakdown at bit.ly/AskMinerva. All submissions remain anonymous. Illustration of Minerva by Adam Rosenlund.

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